Thursday, September 26, 2013

Inhumane Humans

Recently in Zimbabwe 81 elephants we're killed by poachers. They contaminated the water holes in a western national park with cyanide poison. Not only have elephants have been found dead, but other smaller animals that feed near the water hole have been also. The poachers were after the elephants for their ivory tusks, and as of now nine suspected poachers have been arrested. This article really stuck out to me because that is completely an inhuman and morally wrong to do to such a thing to a beautiful animal. Also all the smaller animals that fed at the water hole need to be taken into consideration also. Hunting is one thing, when you hunt an animal you should always eat it. If you aren't going to eat it, then you should never kill an animal intentionally. What is the point? Another reason I choose this article is because the other day I was driving through the woods with my boyfriend, and we saw a dead deer with the antlers ripped off. It was a horrible sight and something I have never seen before. This kind of stuff must happen more often then we really know about, the awareness of poaching should be raised. Maybe rules and regulations should be stricter to prevent something like this ever happening again. If you think about it, usually what takes place once, repeats itself again down the line. So if this was to happen a few more times could elephants become endangered or even extinct?

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