Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Telescope Solves Mystery After 2,000 Years

Two NASA telescopes helped discover a supernova in space that has been a mystery for over 2,000 years. In 185 AD, CHinese astronauts witnessed a "guest star" appear in the sky for over 8 months. In 1960 scientists determined that this was an observation of a supernova that signaled the violent death of a distant star. Views from NASA'S Spitzers Space Telepscope and Wide-field Infared Survey Explorer determined that the star's explosion detonated inside a gas free and dust free region in space. This allowed the supernova to travel much farther away.

I chose to write about this even because it seemed interesting that over 2,000 years scientisits, with the help of telescopes, could solve a mystery of a supernova. It is cool to see that activity in space can take place for a long period of time. Although the supernova took place a far distance away, its neat to learn that we have the teachnology to see these types of things far, far away form us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is very interesting that 2,000 years ago Chinese astrologers could make just a big discovery. It is amazing that with our technology we can see a supernova that is light years away.

  3. honestly, i just liked the picutre lol
