Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Culprit for the Spread of Cancer

Dr. Mark Matfield and a team of British scientists have uncovered the gene that is the culprit for the spread of cancerous tumors. This cancer spreading gene is know as the WWP2 gene or the rouge gene. These scientists discovered that this gene enhances the ability of tumors to grow and spread throughout the body. This research was sponsored by the Association of International Cancer Research and they are now using this discovery to find a new generation of drugs that will directly prohibit the WWP2 gene from working. The discovery of a new drug would stop the spread of diseases such as; breast, brain, colon, and skin cancer.

I think this new discovery is great and exactly what we needed. Cancer affects so many people all over the world and this discovery will have a huge impact on how we treat it. Once a successful new drug is created we will be able to safe many people who suffer from cancer now and maybe completely eliminate its existence in the future!


  1. I found your post very interesting. People and families suffer from cancer on a day to day basis and to be able to hinder it would greatly impact everyone.

  2. I thought this post was really interesting. Cancer is a devastating disease that effects so many of our families today, to be able to delay it would be a wonderful thing.
