Friday, January 29, 2010

New Age Tree of Life

Since we were talking about the Tree of Life today in class, I thought I would take a look and see what I could find. Though this picture comes from Wikipedia  I thought it did a good job of showing how science has evolved from the literal looking tree to this almost complete circle. I wonder what it will look like in another million or two years.


  1. I thought this tree idea was very interesting. I learning how organisms have slowly become more and more complex through a process taking millons of years is nearly unbelieveable. I find it difficult to fathom that there are a possible 95000000 species left to find on this earth as well. It sort of makes you feel kind of small in the grand scheme of things.

  2. I also thought the tree of life lesson was very cool. I like how it is presented, it gives a great view of how everything started and how things are today. It is very easy to understand and I like how it shows what life was originally like and how it evolved into present day creatures, very interesting.
