New reasearch suggests that mother
dolphins sing their own name to babies in the womb slightly before and up to two weeks after birth. Its the human equivalent of teaching your child to say "mama". Eventually after a few weeks baby dolphins, called calves, also develop a signiture whitsle of their own. Interestingly enough no other dolphin increases the rate of their signiture whistle at any point in the calves development. This is thought to be so that the calf has a definite preference for the moms whistle. This is also interesting because other studies have shown that in utero and in weeks after birth human babies are particularly respinsive to the mothers voice.
(Picture below from
Dolphins always continue to amaze me with how intelligent they are. Communicating with their calves just like humans do is incredible. It looks like dolphins are potentially just as smart as humans are. How will dolphins impress us next?