Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hair Growth Breakthrough

A new technique was created for growth of hair. Only mice have been tested so far, human skin was grafted onto the animals in the experiment. Hair began to grow on the rodent, so this was a breakthrough. Many people have become dependent on remedies such as drugs and transplants, the scientists working on this project hope that will become something of the past. This new method is more effective and useful to the person getting the implant. Most treatments on the market right now are mainly for men, this new technique could be a lot more helpful to women though. Transplants take up to eight hours because you are moving the hair follicles from the back of the head to the front. Also the procedure leaves a large scar on the back of the patients head. Now in the new procedure smaller patches of cells will be taken from the scalp, cultured in the lab to increase the quantity, and then injected into bald spots on the head. This is different from just shifting the hair; you are actually able to add hair using this method. Dr. Christiano became interested in the science of hair when she had a loss of her own. She was diagnosed with alopecia. Which is known as a circumstance where hair is bald in certain places, hers specifically was on the back of her head. Researchers have been focused on dermal papillae the cells have been transplanted in rodents and led to new hair growth. The cells have the ability to revive cells to form newer hair follicles. The cell may have worked in rodents but for a long time didn’t work humans. So now the studies continue to find a method that works in humans. The new method scientists are working on now is where they take 3000 papilla cells, put them on the lid of a dish, and flip the dish over. They found when the dish was flipped over it created an aggregate at the bottom. Now the cells were touching in three dimensions, unlike before when they were only touching in two. Now the signals in the cells were improved and would increase the chance of hair formation. This is a small success but still a big step in the right direction. I choose this article instantly because I am a girl and I love my hair. I think all women feel the same, hair is an important thing and some of us unfortunately lose it or have alopecia. Even men have similar problems, but this method of hair renewal is different than many. I like how cells will be implanted to help the hair growth progress. That is much better than taking drugs or getting transplants. This method seems safer and more efficient; the process may take a little longer, but it seems worth. With transplants you get a large scar on the back of your head after the procedure. With the new method the process should not take as long and you will not have any scars. Also taking drugs is very risky because of side effects, it might be doing good for your hair, but no so good for the rest of your body. Hopefully this study continues in a progressive state and we see the new method out on the market soon.

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