While reading this article about Alzheimer’s disease that was published in the New York Times I became mad and decided that this article should have never been published in the first place. Alzheimer’s is a mysterious and sad disease to get and even more so to watch a loved one die from. The article talked about a new study, by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, estimated how many Alzheimer’s cases might be attributable to certain behaviors or conditions: physical inactivity, smoking, depression, low education, hypertension, obesity and diabetes.
The part in this article that pissed me off the most was where they said… “The operative word was “could.” As the researchers pointed out, there is not yet scientific proof that any of these risk factors in fact cause Alzheimer’s. Only if they are shown to do so could the new analysis be considered a practical recipe for preventing the disease.”… also ““These things are not definitive,” said one author, Dr. Kristine Yaffe, a professor of psychiatry, neurology and epidemiology. “We’re assuming that these are sort of causally related to the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s, but unless you have a great trial, you just don’t know.” … but the best part of this article is when they talk about the trial studies and they say “Evidence for or against any other causal factor was poor, often because studies were small, used vague or changing definitions, or did not rigorously monitor what subjects were doing.” Really?? Your not even watching the patients…why bother having a study?
Nobody knows how or why this disease happens but for my Nanny’s sake who died from Alzheimer’s in 2008 and had none of these “factors”, I hope the research to find a cure for Alzheimer’s is better than what this article is portraying. Especially since it is on the rise and I hope many families don’t have to go threw what I did…until then my family will keep donating and I hope researchers find a cure soon.
Researchers don't always get it right, they are confusing as hell. For instance I have been hearing that egg is good for you then all of a sudden it is bad but look eggs are said to be good again. Come n people make up your mind. I will eat what I want but in moderation.
ReplyDeleteI just hope that there would be a cure for this disease very soon.
You are right to be angry, the reasearch that has been done on this subject has led to no compleat answers. It is a saddening disease that hopefully a cure will be found for. These researchers are telling us what we should watch out for in our eating and living habits yet they are not even sure that is the cause
ReplyDeleteIt seems that much more research has to be done in this field to determine any possible causes. For those who know someone with this terrible illness, knows just how serious it can be. Hopefully they will make some breakthroughs in the near future, so we can do our best at preventing it.