Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New study finds that low doses of aspirin also may reduce Cancer deaths.

Found on ScienceDaily.com, An Oxford University Study finds that a daily low dose of aspirin may now also prevent cancer deaths. The study showed that cancer deaths dropped about 20%. As commonly known aspirin is usually taken to reduce heart disease, with a small risk of stomach bleeds.
"It took about 5 years to see a benefit in taking aspirin for oesophagus, pancreatic, brain, and lung cancer; about 10 years for stomach and bowel cancer; and about 15 years for prostate cancer. The 20-year risk of death was reduced by about 10% for prostate cancer, 30% for lung cancer, 40% for bowel cancer and 60% for oesophagus cancer." (quoted from the article on ScienceDaily.com)
The article also mentions that these findings do not mean everyone should now take aspirin. Because we ultimately do not know how aspirin can effect someone in 30 or more years. But the benefits of aspirin are extremely positive which outweighs the small risks of taking it.
I think its a really great find. Something so simple people already take for heart disease could also help reduce cancer. But I also agree with the warning that we don't really know the effects it could have on someone 30 years down the road. So even though its good news, its still not the ultimate medicine that will help prevent cancer.


  1. That would be a great find if something like an aspirin could prevent cancer. Hopefully they will continue to research it to make sure there are no bad effects.

  2. That would be so great if they could use something so popular as aspirin to prevent cancer. But isnt aspirin known to think the blood?
