Thursday, October 21, 2010

Positive and Negatives of Wind Farms

An article released by Matthew L. Wald discusses the controversial issue about wind farms and whether or not putting one along the Atlantic Seaboard will be a positive thing, allowing us to produce more energy and lower coat or is it just a wast of money and time. The article talks about the positives and negatives about the wind farms, some of the positives that were discussed were that once completed it will help produce energy and electricity at a faster rate and as a whole will coast less for consumers long term. However some people believe the negative effect out way the positive, some of the negative effects are that its going to coast billions of dollars to complete, also that the market price of offshore wind energy is about 50 percent higher than that of energy generated on land. Most people believe the wind farms are a good idea in theory, however they don't believe it is worth the coast.

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