The Ozone layer is a big part of our life in this World. It helps us humans get the right amount of light and energy from the sun(Ultraviolet Rays), without getting harmed. The O3 oxygen is what blocks the Ultraviolet Rays. As well, there are always consequences to what products we make, and how we dispose of our wastes. Chloroflorocarbons (CFC) are what we use in everyday products such as, refrigerators, freezers, hairspray cans, asthma inhalers, and even car conditioners. And they are the problem that will destroy the Earths future. With the amount of these products that we use, we will destroy the ozone layer in a few hundred years. The CFC's are emited into the sky, and when they reach the Ozone Layer, they form a different chemical reaction then the one that is natural occurence in the Ozone (O3). With the normal reaction, (O3 )is split by ultraviolet rays being absorbed, and O2 + O is formed. Normally they would rejoin quickly to form Ozone, but bad part about the CFC's is when absorbed they altar this reaction because of a strong chlorine atom, and forms (CIO) in the Ozone instead of (O3). Now the ultraviolet Rays are flying through the Ozone Layer and we are absorbing harmfull rays. This is a nother demonstartion
North Pole
South Pole
As you can see the Ozone Layer is much thin and the Chlorine levels are sky high, this is going to become a huge threat to us and our wildlife. The Ozone layer is a big part of our living, and many people do not understand that. The era must be started, and there must be some way to cut back the usage of CFC's. If we don't start to help, there will be no future.